Thursday, October 20, 2011

Trash Talk

            Everyone gossips at least a little bit. Let’s face it. But, in a suite, gossip can turn your situation into a disaster fast. Here is how to play it safe.

            The walls are not as thick as you think they are. Your suitemates can hear just about everything you say.

            Don’t talk badly about your suitemates in your room, and especially the bathroom. You might think because the shower is on or music is playing that there’s no way they can hear you. Wrong.

            Too much trash talk can lead to a more intense battle. I’ve heard horror stories anywhere from locking each other out of the bathroom to putting someone else’s hair in their suitemate’s bed to get revenge. Not fun for anyone.

            Moral of the story is if you truly feel the need to discuss an issue about your roommate or suitemate, do it with someone who is disconnected from the situation, and in a place other than your room.

Next week: Rubbish Removal

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